Digimon is a popular multimedia franchise that originated in Japan. It consists of digital monsters or creatures that can be trained to fight against other Digimons in virtual reality. The franchise has a wide range of media including anime series, movies, video games, manga, toys, and trading card games.
Digimon was first released as a digital pet toy in Japan in 1997.
In 1999, the first anime series titled 'Digimon Adventure' was launched.
The franchise gained popularity with its various anime series, video games, and merchandises.
Since its inception, the franchise has released multiple anime series, movies, video games, and other products.
Pokemon is another popular multimedia franchise that also originated in Japan. It involves capturing, training, and battling with fictional creatures called 'Pokemon'. Like Digimon, it has spawned multiple anime series, movies, video games, trading cards, and merchandises.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Japanese trading card game and anime franchise created by Kazuki Takahashi. The game involves players using a deck of cards featuring various monsters, spells, and traps, to defeat their opponents’ cards.
Beyblade is a Japanese manga and anime franchise created by Takao Aoki. The series follows a group of children who battle with spinning tops called 'Beyblades' in a tournament. The franchise has also spawned multiple toy lines and video games.
A 2020 Japanese animated film based on the Digimon Adventure anime series. It serves as a conclusion to the series and features the original characters grown up and facing the threat of the Digimon community being permanently shut down.
An upcoming tactical role-playing video game developed by Witchcraft and produced by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game follows a group of teenagers who get lost in a parallel world and must survive in a dangerous environment with their Digimon partners.
A trading card game based on the Digimon franchise. The game was released in Japan in 1999 and later in other countries. It involves players using cards representing Digimon to battle against their opponents.
Digimon is a multimedia franchise that consists of digital monsters or creatures that can be trained to fight against other Digimons in virtual reality. It includes anime series, movies, video games, manga, toys, and trading card games.
Digimon was first released in 1997 as a digital pet toy in Japan.
The main competitors of Digimon are Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Beyblade.
The main products of the Digimon franchise are anime series, movies, video games, manga, toys, trading card games, and other merchandise.
Digimon Survive is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Witchcraft and produced by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game follows a group of teenagers who get lost in a parallel world and must survive in a dangerous environment with their Digimon partners.